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The Gospel According To Lost by Chris Seay, Thomas Nelson, 2009

Last year I joined the staff of a large church in Michigan. I soon discovered that I was in the minority as a Lost neophyte. I accepted the gracious invitation to borrow the DVDs of seasons one through four and found myself among the tribe of Lost fanatics. My wife and I could not watch them fast enough, and season five led us deeper into our video addiction.

This book, written by pastor and pop culture analyst Chris Seay, was written prior to the start of the final season of Lost, season six. This is curious because while it documents the first five seasons, it merely speculates about what will follow. Perhaps the thinking was that few would buy a book based upon a show in reruns, but it is, at times, awkward reading Seay’s limited knowledge of the storyline now that the show is nearing its finale. In other words, the book is dated—in places.

The bulk of the book is timeless. Seay weaves biblical themes and theology in the midst of character sketches. For example, he notes, “Sayid battles his capacity for evil throughout the entire series; he has seen what lies inside himself, and he is tormented by it.” On the next page, he connects the show to the reader. “We are, through our sin, enemies of God, and it is only through the Cross, that destroyer of social paradigms, that we are reconciled…and this is the beauty of the gospel. We can’t earn grace; God gives it to us. No one is beyond redemption. Not even Sayid.” Observations like this are relevant to any reader, regardless of their exposure to Lost. It is likely, however, that the audience for this book is limited to members of the Lost cult.

My favorite moments of the book came on its final pages. Seay quotes his late friend, Kyle Lake, with the admonishment to live life to its fullest. Then he provides suggestions for embracing season six and life itself in the epilogue—build community, celebrate, learn and show gratitude. I am grateful for this book. I would recommend it to any Lost viewer, regardless of the date on the calendar. It is engaging, informative, and even inspirational.