04/08/10 09:08 Filed in: Trials

God relishes surprise. We want lives of simple, predictable ease, smooth, even trails as far as the eye can see, but God likes to go off-road. He provokes us with twists and turns. He places us in predicaments that seem to defy our endurance; and comprehension and yet don’t. By His love and grace, we persevere. The challenges that make our hearts leap and stomachs churn invariably strengthen our faith and grant measures of wisdom and joy we would not experience otherwise.
- Tony Snow (courtesy of Lewis Winkler)
Last week I joined the ranks of those unemployed during the current recession. Though grateful for a generous severance, I find myself in an unexpected place. Recent years have brought unexpected levels of pain and hardship, yet they have also deepened my faith, enhanced my friendships, and overhauled my character. The process has also allowed me to truly “mourn with those who mourn” as I empathize with those in the midst of life’s storms.
Thanks for all of the prayers and support. I’m very excited about our future!